Embedded Media

Easily insert media from YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram or Twitter, and any other service using HTML Embeds.

Quick Embed

You can simply insert an embedded multimedia item from YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram or Flickr through the Insert Module button.

Click the Insert Module button , and select Embedded Media.

Select the type of embed you wish, e.g. YouTube from the items at the top of the list. You'll see pre-saved embedded media at the bottom of the list.

On the next screen, paste the URL of a YouTube video and click Insert:

Module code will be inserted onto your page:

Save the page and the module code will be replaced with a video player.

Pre-saved Embeds

If you want to customise more options you can embed media items through the Embedded Media module within Files and Media. Each different type of media item has different settings depending on the service.

YouTube videos

Paste the Video URL in the box, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ABW1CIHZZw, Unicity will extract the video ID automatically.

There are the following options available in the Settings screen:

Turning on Enhanced privacy mode will stops YouTube setting cookies to track viewing behaviour.

You can make the video start part way through by entering a number of seconds in the Start box.

Vimeo videos

As with YouTube, you can enter a URL in the box and Unicity will extract the video ID.

There are the following options available in the Settings screen:

Player Colour allows you to customise the highlight and rollover colour of the Vimeo player. Enter a hex colour here, e.g. #f30000.

Show Title lets you choose whether or not the video title shows over the video before it starts playing.

Show Portrait shows the users avatar over the video before it starts.

Show Byline shows a second line from Vimeo under the title.

Instagram post

Copy the URL of an Instagram post into the URL box, e.g. https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCZPaaCAGv/.

The only option for Instagram Posts is Hide Caption which hides the image description.

Twitter post

Copy the URL of a Tweet, e.g. https://twitter.com/Twitter/status/1047864949744140288.

In settings you have the following options:

Enhanced privacy mode reduces the cookies set by Twitter.

Link Colour lets you customise the colours of links to  match the theme of your website. Enter a hex colour, e.g. #f30000

Theme can switch between Light and Dark themes that are set by Twitter. The Twitter block will either have a white or black background depending on the option selected.

Inserting an embedded media item

In a WYSIWYG editor, click the Insert Module icon: 

Select Embedded Media from the list of modules, and select the item you wish to insert.

If you are inserting a YouTube or Vimeo video you'll have the option to set the size of the video. It will default to a size set in your site settings, but you may want to customise it to make it fit your page: